
One of the great things about the work I do is the opportunity to share thoughts, ideas and information from a range of different sources. So scroll down to find out some helpful tools and resources for you to download.

On this page you will find a range of different resources and information that will hopefully provide you with food for thought as you travel on your change journey.  I have included books I have found useful, papers and presentations I have have written, links to articles and sites that have shaped my thinking  and occasionally my thoughts on the presenting problems that may hamper organisations and individuals from being as successful as they would like to be. 



This is the best Teleprompter App that I have come across and is perfect for online presentations as well as Podcasting.  Easy to use and upload documents into, you can adjust the speed to suit your style and best of all works brilliantly on your phone.  There is a free version and a Premium version available.  As I am starting to do more Podcasting I have found this product a real asset. Follow this link Teleprompter



If you are looking for something a bit different for your presentations, try Prezi which is a cloud-based presentation software that lets you create, collaborate, and share engaging and memorable presentations. It has some great templates available and allows you to do some quite spectacular transitions.  Follow this link Prezi


Thoughts, Reflections and Ideas

Thoughts and Reflections

Maintaining cultural change in a crisis

Many organizations are facing an unprecedented challenge to the way they operate and how they do business as a result of the COVID19 pandemic around the globe.  What is the impact on organizational culture when organisations are crisis and response mode?  Paradoxically the culture you are trying to create will be your biggest asset in a crisis, yet is harder to implement if you are part way through your change programme.

Resources to Download

Diversity and Inclusion

It is hard to create a diverse and inclusive workplace without a sound strategy and a plan.   If you want to see an example of a robust and detailed strategy that includes measures and targets then there is no better example than the one developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.  I worked with MFAT to develop this strategy based on five key pillars of diversity and inclusion. To download a copy click here.

Team Charter

Team Charters are documents that define the purpose of the team, how it will work, and what the expected outcomes are.  The Team Charter Canvas is a tool to help teams work through the process to develop a Team Charter. To download a copy click here.

Culture Implementation Pyramid

Culture change is hard to embed and most organisations often stop at the poster and screen saver stage.  If you really want to embed culture change you need to think of culture change as a pyramid where the further you go down towards the base the greater will be the impact.  Find out more about the Culture Implementation Pyramid and download a copy.  To download a copy click here.

How to introduce Organisational Values

Why is it that so many organisations struggle to introduce Organisational Values that stick.  Having worked with dozens of organisations over the years on Values projectsm I have developed a seven step process that moves you from Diagnosis to Embed.   To download a copy click here.

Books to Read

Strategic Alignment by Norman Chorn and Terri Hunter

Three key takeaways, culture is about alignment, organisations have an archetype or personality and the need to align your people infrastructure to support the culture you need to create.

I came across this book when it was first published in 2004.  I was working at the Leadership Development Centre (LDC) at the time and we were working with Norman as one of the key presenters on the Leadership in Practice (LIP) programme  that we ran.  Norman’s session was always one of the highest rated sessions on the programme and was based around this book.  

This has remained one of my favorite books for the last 15 years and I recommend it constantly to the people and organisations I work with.  It has been one of those books that has certainly influenced my practice when working with organisations on their cultural change programmes.

What is so helpful about this book is that it provides a framework to think about culture as an alignment challenge where you need your culture, leadership practice and organizational infrastructure to align with your strategy.

It provides a view of culture that suggests culture is neither right nor wrong , good nor bad and the key question is how aligned it is to allow you to execute your organizational strategy.  The cultural archetype model links nicely with Jung’s work on underlying patterns of behavior.  I love practical books and models that you can pick up and use in an organizational context right away.  This is one of those books.