Team Building

Teams are the building blocks of an organisation.  They have a lasting impact on the employee experience and ultimately drive organisational performance.

Building High Performing Teams

We have all experienced belonging to teams that fly and make us as individuals feel we can bring our best to work. Unfortunately we have also all experienced being in teams where we are misunderstood, frustrating and struggling with performance.

I have worked with many teams over the years helping them become the best that they can be and be happy healthy and high performing

Teams are the building blocks of organisational performance. They are the organisational unit most people identify with, spend their time with and that most impacts their experience of the organisation.

Why not begin with developing a Team Charter.  From helping teams understand their strengths and blind spots to developing Team Charters to create the basis on which team members connect with each other, I provide a range of workshops and coaching support to help teams create a high performance culture.

Using the Team Charter Canvas

Team Charters are documents that define the purpose of the team, how it will work, and what the expected outcomes are. They are the roadmap that the team creates to make sure that all involved are clear about where they’re heading, and to give direction and guidance when times get tough.

Making teams soar is a matter of time, shared values, skills, trust and having clearly understood systems and processes.

The Team Charter Canvas is a simple framework that helps bring team members onto the same page and helps create a high performing, productive team culture fast. From helping teams understand their strengths and blind spots, to developing the team norms and values to create the basis on which team members connect with each other.

 Download a copy of the Team Charter Canvas on the resources page

How it Works

The charter process provides a range of workshops and coaching support to help teams create a high performance culture.

The Team Charter Canvas uses 10 key building blocks to create the elements of a high performing team, and becomes a clear social contract of how the team will operate together. Developing the Team Charter provides the basic social contract for engaging with each other.

There are five key elements (which work equally well as a single workshop or spread over multiple sessions) to the process;

  1. Contracting session with key team members to confirm the objectives and scope of the Charter process.
  2. Structured series of conversations and worksheets on each of the building blocks.
  3. The Team refines the wording of the charter with support from their coach.
  4. The Charter is published by the Team in a way that is meaningful and relevant.
  5. A review and reflection session is scheduled for six months after launch to ensure that the team is on track.

Add to the Process

Think about going further into how your team operates by using an in depth Team Diagnostics such as ;

CultureTalk™ for Organisastions

Belbin® Team Roles

MBTI® for Teams(Myers Briggs Type Indicator)