Culture change and Organisational Values

Helping organisations build successful culture change.  Culture change is hard and it begins with a strong diagnosis of your existing culture and a plan to ensure everything in your organisation reinforces the behaviours and values you want to emphasise. 


How to change organisational culture and embed values

Culture and Values (with Values being the signposts to your organisational culture) is fundamentally a question of alignment and the consistent application of organisational values. We know from experience that no matter how rational the changes and how consistent the messages, many changes run aground on the rocks of cultural misalignment. I have structured a process for helping organisations understand the current state, identifying the gaps between their current culture and future culture and working with them to develop a roadmap for change and developing your Values champions.

Ask me about the “Culture by Design Roadmap” and “Values Champion Workshop” and coaching programme. 

As an accredited CultureTalk partner ask me about the CultureTalk survey system.


Culture change is difficult to implement and sustain and many organisations start enthusiastically with great intentions yet find 12 months later that not really a lot has changed in their organisation.

We have probably all experienced the Values or Culture Change launch with new screen savers, pens and mouse mats, big presentation event from the Senior Leaders Team.  Yet for many organisations our employee experience tracking is still bringing up the same issues and old values behaviours.  Our staff are no more engaged and our customers and stakeholders no more satisfied.

There are a number of reasons for drop off in momentum.

One is about strong and visible leadership, sponsorship and governance.  Melissa Daimler is in a great article in an HBR article “Why Great Employees leave Great Cultures” remarked “People watch everything leaders do.  If leaders are not exhibiting the behaviour that reflect the values, the values are meaningless”.

The other is a failure to embed the Values and new Culture in the infrastructure of the organisation.  Behaviour change requires some hard levers to be applied and the Implementation Triangle shows that to achieve sustainable behaviour change you need to drive towards the bottom of the Pyramid and some of those changes are hard.

If you are interested in how to embed Values and change culture in your organisation contact me now to begin the conversation.